Class: IONe
- Inherits:
- Object
- IONe
- Includes:
- Deferable
- Defined in:
- ione_server.rb,
Main App class. All methods, which must be available as JSON-RPC methods, should be defined in this class
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: PostDeployActivities
VirtualMachines Info collapse
#compare_info(vms = []) ⇒ Array<Hash>, ...
Returns VM listing with some additional data, available nodes list and free IP-addresses in AddressPool.
#get_vm_by_uid(uid) ⇒ Integer | 'none'
Returns vmid by owner id.
#get_vm_by_uname(name) ⇒ Hash
Returns vmid, userid and VM IP by owner username.
#get_vm_data(vm) ⇒ Hash
Getting VM most important data.
#get_vm_ds(vmid) ⇒ String | nil
Returns datastore name, where VM has been deployed.
#get_vm_host(vm, hid = false) ⇒ String | nil
Returns host name, where VM has been deployed.
#get_vms_by_uid(uid) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns user vms by user id.
#GetIP(vm_ref, private_allowed = false) ⇒ String
Returns VM's IP by ID.
#GetSnapshotList(vmid) ⇒ Array<Hash> | Hash
Getting snapshot list for given VM.
#LCM_STATE(vmid) ⇒ Integer
Getting VM LCM state number by ID.
#LCM_STATE_STR(vmid) ⇒ String
Getting VM LCM state string by ID.
#STATE(vmid) ⇒ Integer
Getting VM state number by ID.
#STATE_STR(vmid) ⇒ String
Getting VM state string by ID.
Users Info collapse
#get_uid_by_name(name) ⇒ Integer| 'none'
Returns user id by username.
#get_user_vms ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vms.
#get_user_vms_ext ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vms with extended info.
#GetUserInfo(userid) ⇒ String
Returns User template in XML.
#user_exists(uid) ⇒ Object
Checks if User exists.
Billing collapse
#calculate_showback(uid, stime, etime =, group_by_day = false, stream_data = nil) ⇒ Hash
Calculates Showback for given User.
#IaaS_Gate(params) ⇒ Object
Does very complicated things, don't think about it))))).
#IaaS_Gate_new(params) ⇒ Object
Does more complicated things, don't think about it))))).
Templates Info collapse
#get_templates_list(group_id = nil) ⇒ Array
Obtains the list of all available Templates(and filters by groupd_id if given).
User Control collapse
#UserDelete(uid) ⇒ Object
Deletes user and all his VMs.
VirtualMachines info collapse
#get_available_vms(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns all vms available with given credentials.
Ansible collapse
#AnsiblePlaybookProcessInfo(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns AnsblePlaybook run Process by id as Hash.
#AnsiblePlaybookProcessStatus(id) ⇒ String
Returns given AnsiblePlaybookProcess state.
#AnsiblePlaybookToProcess(playbook_id, uid, hosts = [], vars = {}, comment = '', auth = 'default') ⇒ Object
Creates Process instance with given playbook, host and variables.
#CheckAnsiblePlaybookSyntax(body) ⇒ Boolean
Checks AnsiblePlaybook Syntax.
#CreateAnsiblePlaybook(args = {}) ⇒ Integer
Creates playbook.
#DeleteAnsiblePlaybook(id) ⇒ NilClass
Deletes playbook from DB by id.
#DeleteAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ NilClass
Deletes given AnsiblePlaybookProcess.
#GetAnsiblePlaybook(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns playbook from DB by id.
#GetAnsiblePlaybook_ControllerRunnable(id, vars = {}) ⇒ Hash
Returns playbook in AnsibleController acceptable form.
#GetAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns AnsblePlaybook run Process by id as Hash with humanreadable state.
#GetAnsiblePlaybookVariables(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns variables from playbook(from vars section in playbook body).
#ListAnsiblePlaybookProcesses(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all AnsiblePlaybook Processes as Array of Hashes.
#ListAnsiblePlaybooks(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns Playbooks from DB.
#RunAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ NilClass | Thread
Runs given AnsiblePlaybookProcess in PENDING state.
#UpdateAnsiblePlaybook(args = {}) ⇒ Object
Updates playbook using given data by id.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#activity_log ⇒ String
Get log from ione.log file.
#AnsibleController(params) ⇒ 200
Runs given playbook on given host.
#CreateVMwithSpecs(params, trace = ["#{__method__} method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ Hash?
Creates new virtual machine from the given OS template and resize it to given specs, and new user account, which becomes owner of this VM.
#DatastoresMonitoring(type) ⇒ Array<Hash> | String
Returns monitoring information about datastores.
#Delete(userid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Deletes given user by ID.
#get_all_settings ⇒ Hash
Returns whole IONe settings table if user is Admin.
#get_user_vnets ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vnets.
#get_vm_hotadd_conf(vmid, name = nil) ⇒ Hash | String
Checks if resources hot add enabled.
#GetVMIDbyIP(ip) ⇒ Integer | nil
Getting VM ID by IP.
#HostsMonitoring ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns monitoring information about nodes.
#initialize(client, db) ⇒ IONe
IONe initializer, stores auth-client and version.
#log(msg) ⇒ String
Logs given message to ione.log.
#method_missing(method, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
Will call object method if smth like vm_poweroff(1) called.
#MKSnapshot(vmid, name, log = true) ⇒ Integer | OpenNebula::Error
Making new snapshot for given VM with given name.
#Reboot(vmid, hard = false) ⇒ Object
Reboots Virtual Machine.
#Recreate(params, trace = ["Recreate method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ TrueClass, Integer
Recreates VM - leaves same ID, same IP addresses, amount of resources, etc, but recreates on host.
#Reinstall(params, trace = ["Reinstall method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ Hash, ...
Recreates VM with same NICs for same user.
#release_public_ip(params) ⇒ TrueClass
Releases Public IP back to supernet-pool.
#reserve_public_ip(params) ⇒ Integer
Reserves Public IP or IPs to user private netpool.
#Resume(vmid, trial = false) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Powers On given VM if powered off, or unsuspends if suspended by ID.
#RevSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Reverts choosen snapshot for given VM.
#RMSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Removes choosen snapshot for given VM.
#set_vm_hotadd_conf(params) ⇒ true | String
Sets resources hot add settings.
#SetVMResourcesLimits(vmid, host, params) ⇒ Object
temp UPD: not really :).
#Shutdown(vmid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Powering off VM.
#StartVMRC(vmid) ⇒ Object
Generates VMRC ticket for given VM.
#Suspend(params, log = true, trace = ["Suspend method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ NilClass | Array
Suspends VirtualMachine and makes it uncontrollable for Owner(except Admins).
#SuspendUser(uid, vms = []) ⇒ NilClass
Suspends all given users VMs.
#SuspendVM(vmid) ⇒ NilClass
Suspends VirtualMachine only.
#Terminate(userid, vmid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Terminates(deletes) user account and VM.
#Test(msg, log = "Test") ⇒ String('DONE') | String('PONG')
Logs sent message into ione.log and gives data about availability.
#Unsuspend(params, trace = ["Resume method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ nil | Array
Unsuspends VirtualMachine and makes it uncontrollable for Owner(except Admins).
#UnsuspendUser(uid, vms = []) ⇒ NilClass
Unsuspends all users VMs.
#uptime ⇒ String
Returns IONe Cloud Server uptime(formated).
#UserCreate(login, pass, groupid = nil, locale = nil, balace = 0, client: @client, object: false, type: 'vcenter') ⇒ Integer | Integer, OpenNebula::User
Creates new user account.
#version ⇒ String
Returns current running IONe Cloud Server version.
#vm_hotadd(params) ⇒ Boolean | String
Resize VM without powering off the VM.
Methods included from Deferable
Constructor Details
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method
#method_missing(method, *args, &block) ⇒ Object
Will call object method if smth like vm_poweroff(1) called
154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 |
# File 'ione_server.rb', line 154 def method_missing method, *args, &block obj, method = method.to_s.split('_') if ONeHelper::ON_INSTANCES.keys.include? obj.to_sym then onblock(obj.to_sym, args[0]).send(method, self) else super end end |
Instance Method Details
#activity_log ⇒ String
Get log from ione.log file
120 121 122 123 124 |
# File 'service/log.rb', line 120 def activity_log() LOG "Log file content has been copied remotely", "activity_log" log ="#{LOG_ROOT}/ione.log") log end |
#AnsibleController(params) ⇒ 200
Runs given playbook on given host
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 33 def AnsibleController(params) LOG_DEBUG params.merge!({ :method => __method__.to_s }).debug_out host, playbooks = params['host'], params['services'] ip, err = host.split(':').first, "" do playbooks.each do |service, playbook| installid = id_gen.crypt(service.delete(' ')[0..3]).delete('!@#$%^&*()_+:"\'.,\/\\') LOG "#{service} should be installed on #{ip}, installation ID is: #{installid}", "AnsibleController" begin LOG 'Connecting to Ansible', 'AnsibleController' err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while connecting to Ansible-server" Net::SSH.start(ANSIBLE_HOST, ANSIBLE_HOST_USER, :port => ANSIBLE_HOST_PORT) do | ssh | err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while creating temporary playbook file occurred""/tmp/#{installid}.yml", 'w') { |file| file.write(playbook.gsub('<%group%>', installid)) } err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while uploading playbook occurred" ssh.sftp.upload!("/tmp/#{installid}.yml", "/tmp/#{installid}.yml") err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while creating temporary ansible-inventory file occurred""/tmp/#{installid}.ini", 'w') { |file| file.write("[#{installid}]\n#{host}\n") } err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while uploading ansible-inventory occurred" ssh.sftp.upload!("/tmp/#{installid}.ini", "/tmp/#{installid}.ini") Thread.exit if params['upload'] LOG 'PB and hosts have been generated', 'AnsibleController' err = "Line #{__LINE__ + 1}: Error while executing playbook occured" LOG 'Executing PB', 'AnsibleController' ssh.exec!("ansible-playbook /tmp/#{installid}.yml -i /tmp/#{installid}.ini") LOG 'PB has been Executed', 'AnsibleController' LOG "#{service} installed on #{ip}", "AnsibleController" LOG 'Wiping hosts and pb files', 'AnsibleController' ssh.sftp.remove!("/tmp/#{installid}.ini") File.delete("/tmp/#{installid}.ini") ssh.sftp.remove!("/tmp/#{installid}.yml") File.delete("/tmp/#{installid}.yml") end rescue => e LOG "An Error occured, while installing #{service} on #{ip}: #{err}, Code: #{e.}", "AnsibleController" end end LOG 'Ansible job ended', 'AnsibleController' if !params['end-method'].nil? then LOG 'Calling end-method', 'AnsibleController' begin send params['end-method'], params rescue nil end end Thread.exit end return 200 end |
#AnsiblePlaybookProcessInfo(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns AnsblePlaybook run Process by id as Hash
217 218 219 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 217 def AnsiblePlaybookProcessInfo id id).to_hash end |
#AnsiblePlaybookProcessStatus(id) ⇒ String
Returns given AnsiblePlaybookProcess state
210 211 212 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 210 def AnsiblePlaybookProcessStatus id id).status end |
#AnsiblePlaybookToProcess(playbook_id, uid, hosts = [], vars = {}, comment = '', auth = 'default') ⇒ Object
Creates Process instance with given playbook, host and variables
175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 175 def AnsiblePlaybookToProcess playbook_id, uid, hosts = [], vars = {}, comment = '', auth = 'default' playbook_id: playbook_id, uid: uid, hosts: hosts, vars: vars, comment: comment, auth: auth ).id end |
#calculate_showback(uid, stime, etime =, group_by_day = false, stream_data = nil) ⇒ Hash
Calculates Showback for given User
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/accounting/main.rb', line 15 def calculate_showback uid, stime, etime =, group_by_day = false, stream_data = nil vm_pool = @db[:vm_pool].select(:oid).where(:uid => uid)! { | vm | vm[:oid] } showback = { 'computing' => {}, 'networking' => {} } stream = !stream_data.nil? if stream then stream_data << '"computing": {' end index = 0 vm_pool.each do | vm | vm = onblock :vm, vm, @client! next if vm['/VM/ETIME'].to_i < stime && vm['/VM/ETIME'].to_i != 0 begin r = vm.calculate_showback(stime, etime, group_by_day).without('time_period_requested', 'time_period_corrected') showback['computing'][] = r if stream then stream_data << (index != 0 ? ',' : '') << ' ' << "\"#{}\": " << JSON.generate(r) index += 1 end rescue OpenNebula::VirtualMachine::ShowbackError => e if e..include? "VM didn't exist in given time-period" then next else raise e end end end if stream then stream_data << '}, "networking":' end networking = onblock(:u, uid).calculate_networking_showback(stime, etime) showback['networking'] = networking if stream then stream_data << JSON.generate(networking) << ', ' end showback['computing']['TOTAL'] = showback['computing'].inject(0) { | result, (_id, vm) | result + vm[:TOTAL] } showback['TOTAL'] = showback['computing']['TOTAL'] showback['TOTAL'] += showback['networking']['TOTAL'] showback['time_period_requested'] = etime - stime if stream then stream_data << '"TOTAL": ' << showback['TOTAL'] << ', ' stream_data << '"time_period_requested": ' << showback['time_period_requested'] end showback unless stream end |
#CheckAnsiblePlaybookSyntax(body) ⇒ Boolean
Checks AnsiblePlaybook Syntax
164 165 166 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 164 def CheckAnsiblePlaybookSyntax body AnsiblePlaybook.check_syntax body end |
#compare_info(vms = []) ⇒ Array<Hash>, ...
Returns VM listing with some additional data, available nodes list and free IP-addresses in AddressPool
138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 138 def compare_info vms = [] info = [] infot = do unless vms.empty? then vm_pool =! do |vmid| onblock(:vm, vmid, @client) { | vm |! || vm } end else vm_pool = vm_pool.info_all! end vm_pool.each do |vm| # Creating VM list from VirtualMachine Pool Object begin info << { vmid:, userid: vm.uid(false), host: get_vm_host(, login: vm.uname(false, true), ip: GetIP(vm), state: (vm.lcm_state != 0 ? vm.lcm_state_str : vm.state_str) } rescue break end end end return info || infot.join unless vms.empty? free = [] freet = do vn_pool = vn_pool.info_all! vn_pool.each do | vn | # Getting leases from each VN break if vn.nil? begin # This, generates list of free addresses in given VN vn = vn.to_hash!["VNET"]["AR_POOL"]["AR"][0] next if (vn['IP'] && vn['SIZE']).nil? pool = ((vn["IP"].split('.').last.to_i)..(vn["IP"].split('.').last.to_i + vn["SIZE"].to_i))! { |item| vn['IP'].split('.').slice(0..2).join('.') + "." + item.to_s } vn['LEASES']['LEASE'].each do | lease | pool.delete(lease['IP']) end free.push pool rescue nil end end end host_pool, hosts =, [] # Collecting hostnames(node-names) from HostPool host_pool.info_all! host_pool.each do | host | hosts << end freet.join infot.join return info, hosts, free end |
#CreateAnsiblePlaybook(args = {}) ⇒ Integer
Creates playbook
95 96 97 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 95 def CreateAnsiblePlaybook args = {}!).id end |
#CreateVMwithSpecs(params, trace = ["#{__method__} method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ Hash?
Creates new virtual machine from the given OS template and resize it to given specs, and new user account, which becomes owner of this VM
290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 |
# File 'lib/creative_funcs/main.rb', line 290 def CreateVMwithSpecs(params, trace = ["#{__method__} method called:#{__LINE__}"]) LOG_DEBUG params.merge!(:method => __method__.to_s).debug_out trace << "Checking params types:#{__LINE__ + 1}" params['cpu'], params['ram'], params['drive'], params['iops'] = params.get('cpu', 'ram', 'drive', 'iops').map { |el| el.to_i } params['ips'] = params['ips'].nil? ? 1 : params['ips'].to_i params['user-template'] = {} if params['user-template'].nil? begin params['iops'] = params['iops'] == 0 ? IONe::Settings['VCENTER_DRIVES_IOPS'][params['ds-type']] : params['iops'] rescue LOG_DEBUG "No vCenter configuration found" end paas_vnet = IONe::Settings['PUBLIC_NETWORK_DEFAULTS']['PAAS'] return { error: "VNetNotConfigured" } if paas_vnet.nil? || paas_vnet == "" params['vm_name'] = params['vm_name'] || "#{params['login']}_vm" ###################### Doing some important system stuff ############################################################### LOG_AUTO "CreateVMwithSpecs for #{params['login']} Order Accepted! #{params['trial'] == true ? "VM is Trial" : nil}" LOG_DEBUG "Params: #{params.debug_out}" trace << "Checking template:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:t, params['templateid']) do | t | result =! if result != nil then LOG_ERROR "Error: TemplateLoadError" return { 'error' => "TemplateLoadError", 'trace' => (trace << "TemplateLoadError:#{__LINE__ - 1}") } end params['extra'] = params['extra'] || { 'type' => t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/HYPERVISOR'] } end ##################################################################################################################### ##### Initializing useful variables ##### userid, vmid = 0, 0 ##### Initializing useful variables END ##### ##### Creating new User ##### LOG_AUTO "Creating new user for #{params['login']}" if params['nouser'].nil? || !params['nouser'] then trace << "Creating new user:#{__LINE__ + 1}" userid, user = UserCreate( params['login'], params['password'], IONe::Settings['USERS_GROUP'], object: true, type: params['extra']['type'] ) if params['test'].nil? LOG_ERROR "Error: UserAllocateError" if userid == 0 trace << "UserAllocateError:#{__LINE__ - 2}" if userid == 0 return { 'error' => "UserAllocateError", 'trace' => trace } if userid == 0 else userid, user = params['userid'], onblock(:u, params['userid']) end params['user_id'] = userid LOG_AUTO "New User account created" ##### Creating new User END ##### ##### Creating and Configuring VM ##### LOG_AUTO "Creating VM for #{params['login']}" trace << "Creating new VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:t, params['templateid']) do | t |! params['username'] = params['username'] || ( ? 'Administrator' : 'root') specs = "" if !t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/CAPACITY'] && t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/HYPERVISOR'].upcase == "VCENTER" then specs = { "VCPU" => params['cpu'], "MEMORY" => params['ram'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "DRIVE" => params['ds_type'], "DISK" => { "IMAGE_ID" => t.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['DISK']['IMAGE_ID'], "SIZE" => params['drive'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "OPENNEBULA_MANAGED" => "NO" } } elsif t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/HYPERVISOR'].upcase == 'AZURE' then specs = { "OS_DISK_SIZE" => params['drive'], "SIZE" => params['extra']['instance_size'], "VM_USER_NAME" => params['username'], "PASSWORD" => params['passwd'], "VCPU" => params['cpu'], "MEMORY" => params['ram'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1) } elsif t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/HYPERVISOR'].upcase == 'KVM' then specs = { "CPU" => 1, "VCPU" => params['cpu'], "MEMORY" => params['ram'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "DRIVE" => params['ds_type'], "DISK" => { "DEV_PREFIX" => "vd", "DRIVER" => "qcow2", "SIZE" => params['drive'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "OPENNEBULA_MANAGED" => "NO" } } key = t.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['DISK']['IMAGE_ID'].nil? ? 'IMAGE' : 'IMAGE_ID' specs['DISK'][key] = t.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['DISK'][key] end trace << "Updating user quota:#{__LINE__ + 1}" user.update_quota_by_vm( 'append' => true, 'cpu' => params['cpu'], 'ram' => params['ram'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), 'drive' => params['drive'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1) ) unless t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/CAPACITY'] == 'FIXED' unless params['allow_snapshots'].nil? then params['user-template']['SNAPSHOTS_ALLOWED'] = params['allow_snapshots'].to_s.upcase end trace << "Setting up NICs:#{__LINE__ + 1}" specs['NIC'] = [] params['ips'].times do specs['NIC'] << { NETWORK_ID: paas_vnet } end host = params['host'] if host.nil? then host = IONe::Settings['NODES_DEFAULT'][params['extra']['type'].upcase] end if host.class == Array then host = { | h | "ID=\"#{h}\"" }.join(" | ") else host = "ID=\"#{host}\"" end specs['SCHED_REQUIREMENTS'] = host ds = ChooseDS(params['ds_type'], params['extra']['type']) specs['SCHED_DS_REQUIREMENTS'] = "ID=\"#{ds}\"" LOG_DEBUG "Resulting capacity template:\n" + specs.debug_out specs = specs.to_one_template vmid = t.instantiate(params['vm_name'], !params['release'], specs + "\n" + params['user-template'].to_one_template) end raise "Template instantiate Error: #{vmid.}" if OpenNebula.is_error? vmid LOG_AUTO 'Configuring VM Template' trace << "Configuring VM Template:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:vm, vmid) do | vm | trace << "Changing VM owner:#{__LINE__ + 1}" begin r = vm.chown(userid, IONe::Settings['USERS_GROUP']) raise r. unless r.nil? rescue LOG_DEBUG "CHOWN error, params: #{userid}, #{vm}" end if %w(VCENTER KVM).include? params['extra']['type'].upcase then trace << "Setting VM context:#{__LINE__ + 2}" begin vm.updateconf( { CONTEXT: { NETWORK: "YES", PASSWORD: params['passwd'], SSH_PUBLIC_KEY: "$USER[SSH_PUBLIC_KEY]", USERNAME: params['username'] } }.to_one_template ) rescue => e LOG_DEBUG "Context configuring error: #{e.}" end trace << "Setting VM VNC settings:#{__LINE__ + 2}" begin vm.updateconf( { GRAPHICS: { LISTEN: "", PORT: (IONe::Settings['BASE_VNC_PORT'] + vmid), TYPE: "VNC" } }.to_one_template ) # Configuring VNC rescue => e LOG_DEBUG "VNC configuring error: #{e.}" end end end ##### Creating and Configuring VM END ##### ##### PostDeploy Activity define ##### do LOG_DEBUG "Starting PostDeploy Activities for VM#{vmid}" onblock(:vm, vmid).wait_for_state LOG_DEBUG "VM is active now, let it go" post_deploy = @client # TrialController if params['trial'] then trace << "Creating trial counter thread:#{__LINE__ + 1}" post_deploy.TrialController(params, vmid, host) end # endTrialController # AnsibleController if params['ansible'] && params['release'] then trace << "Creating Ansible Installer thread:#{__LINE__ + 1}" post_deploy.AnsibleController(params, vmid, host) end # endAnsibleController end if params['release'] ##### PostDeploy Activity define END ##### LOG_AUTO 'Post-Deploy joblist defined, basic installation job ended' return { 'userid' => userid, 'vmid' => vmid, 'ip' => GetIP(vmid) } rescue => e begin out = { :exception => e., :trace => trace << 'END_TRACE' } LOG_DEBUG e.backtrace LOG_DEBUG out.debug_out out[:params] = params return out ensure onblock(:vm, vmid).recover(3) if (defined? vmid) && !(OpenNebula.is_error? vmid) user.delete if defined? user end end |
#DatastoresMonitoring(type) ⇒ Array<Hash> | String
Returns monitoring information about datastores
223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 223 def DatastoresMonitoring(type) return "WrongTypeExeption: type '#{type}' not exists" if type != 'sys' && type != 'img' # @!visibility private # Converts MB to GB size_convert = lambda do | mb | if mb.to_f / 1024 > 768 then return "#{(mb.to_f / 1048576.0).round(2)}TB" else return "#{(mb.to_f / 1024.0).round(2)}GB" end end ds_pool, mon =, [] ds_pool.info_all! allow_system_ds = IONe::Settings['ALLOW_USING_SYSTEM_DATASTORES'] ds_pool.each do | ds | mon << { 'id' =>, 'name' =>'(').first, :full_size => size_convert[ds.to_hash['DATASTORE']['TOTAL_MB']], 'used' => size_convert[ds.to_hash['DATASTORE']['USED_MB']], 'type' => ds.to_hash['DATASTORE']['TEMPLATE']['DRIVE_TYPE'], 'deploy' => ds.to_hash['DATASTORE']['TEMPLATE']['DEPLOY'], 'hypervisor' => ds.to_hash['DATASTORE']['TEMPLATE']['HYPERVISOR'] } if ds.short_type_str == type && (allow_system_ds || > 2) end mon end |
#Delete(userid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Deletes given user by ID
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 214 def Delete(userid) if userid == 0 then LOG "Delete query rejected! Tryed to delete root-user(oneadmin)", "Delete" return end LOG "Deleting User ##{userid}", "Delete" onblock(:u, userid).delete end |
#DeleteAnsiblePlaybook(id) ⇒ NilClass
Deletes playbook from DB by id
126 127 128 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 126 def DeleteAnsiblePlaybook id id).delete end |
#DeleteAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ NilClass
Deletes given AnsiblePlaybookProcess
196 197 198 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 196 def DeleteAnsiblePlaybookProcess id id).delete end |
#get_all_settings ⇒ Hash
Returns whole IONe settings table if user is Admin
21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/server/main.rb', line 21 def get_all_settings return @db[:settings].as_hash(:name, :body) if onblock(:u, -1, @client).admin? end |
#get_available_vms(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Integer>
Returns all vms available with given credentials
346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 346 def get_available_vms chunks = nil, page = 0 vmp = vmp.info_all! if chunks.nil? then vmp.inject([]) do |r, vm| r << { id:, name:, ip: GetIP(vm), state: vm.state_str, lcm_state: vm.lcm_state_str, host: get_vm_host(vm) } end else vmp.inject([]) { |r, vm| r << vm }.each_slice(chunks).to_a[page].map do | vm | { id:, name:, ip: GetIP(vm), state: vm.state_str, lcm_state: vm.lcm_state_str, host: get_vm_host(vm) } end end end |
#get_templates_list(group_id = nil) ⇒ Array
Obtains the list of all available Templates(and filters by groupd_id if given)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 |
# File 'lib/template_info/main.rb', line 7 def get_templates_list group_id = nil tp_pool = tp_pool.info_all! tp_pool.inject([]) do | res, tp | res << { id:, name:, description: tp.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['DESCRIPTION'], logo: tp.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['LOGO'], uid: tp.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['UID'], gid: tp.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['GID'], } if group_id.nil? or group_id.to_i == tp.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['GID'].to_i res end end |
#get_uid_by_name(name) ⇒ Integer| 'none'
Returns user id by username
62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 62 def get_uid_by_name(name) up = up.info_all! up.each do | u | return if == name end 'none' end |
#get_user_vms ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vms
150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 150 def get_user_vms r =, -1).get_hash['VM_POOL'] r.empty? ? [] : r['VM'] end |
#get_user_vms_ext ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vms with extended info
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 156 def get_user_vms_ext u = onblock(:u, -1, @client) r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r u.vms $db end |
#get_user_vnets ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all @client User vnets
84 85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/vntools/main.rb', line 84 def get_user_vnets onblock(:u, -1, @client) do | u |! u.vns(@db).map { |vn| vn.to_hash } end end |
#get_vm_by_uid(uid) ⇒ Integer | 'none'
Returns vmid by owner id
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 29 def get_vm_by_uid(uid) vmp = vmp.info_all! vmp.each do | vm | return if vm.uid(false) == uid end 'none' end |
#get_vm_by_uname(name) ⇒ Hash
Returns vmid, userid and VM IP by owner username
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 81 def get_vm_by_uname name userid = get_uid_by_name(name) vmid = get_vm_by_uid(userid) unless vmid.nil? then { :vmid => vmid, :userid => userid, :ip => GetIP(vmid) } else nil end end |
#get_vm_data(vm) ⇒ Hash
Getting VM most important data
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 106 def get_vm_data(vm) vm = onblock(:vm, vm) if vm.class == Integer || vm.class == String r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vmid = vm_hash = vm.to_hash!['VM'] host_id, hostname = return { # "Name, owner, owner id, group id" 'NAME' => vm_hash['NAME'], 'OWNER' => vm_hash['UNAME'], 'OWNERID' => vm_hash['UID'], 'GROUPID' => vm_hash['GID'], # IP, host and vm state 'IP' => GetIP(vmid), 'HOST_ID' => host_id, 'HOST' => hostname, 'STATE' => vm.lcm_state != 0 ? vm.lcm_state_str : vm.state_str, # VM specs 'CPU' => vm_hash['TEMPLATE']['VCPU'], 'RAM' => vm_hash['TEMPLATE']['MEMORY'], 'DS_TYPE' => begin DatastoresMonitoring('sys').detect { |el| el['id'] == get_vm_ds(vmid).to_i }['type'] rescue nil end, 'DRIVE' => begin vm_hash['TEMPLATE']['DISK']['SIZE'] rescue TypeError vm_hash['TEMPLATE']['DISK'].inject(0) { |summ, disk| summ + disk['SIZE'].to_i } rescue nil end, # VM creation hist 'IMPORTED' => vm_hash['TEMPLATE']['IMPORTED'].nil? ? 'NO' : 'YES' } rescue => e return e. end |
#get_vm_ds(vmid) ⇒ String | nil
Returns datastore name, where VM has been deployed
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 113 def get_vm_ds vmid onblock(:vm, vmid, @client) do | vm | h = vm.to_hash!['VM']["HISTORY_RECORDS"]['HISTORY'] # Searching hostname at VM allocation history return h['DS_ID'] if h.class == Hash # If history consists of only one line - returns it return h.last['DS_ID'] if h.class == Array # If history consists of 2 or more lines - returns last nil # Returns NilClass if did not found anything - possible if vm is at HOLD or PENDING state end end |
#get_vm_host(vm, hid = false) ⇒ String | nil
Returns host name, where VM has been deployed
98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 98 def get_vm_host vm, hid = false vm = onblock(:vm, vm, @client) if vm.class == Integer history = vm.to_hash!['VM']["HISTORY_RECORDS"]['HISTORY'] # Searching hostname at VM allocation history history = history.last if history.class == Array # If history consists of 2 or more lines - returns last return hid ? [history['HOSTNAME'], history['HID']] : history['HOSTNAME'] rescue return nil # Returns NilClass if did not found anything - possible if vm is at HOLD or PENDING state end |
#get_vm_hotadd_conf(vmid, name = nil) ⇒ Hash | String
Method searches VM by it's default name: one-(id)-(name), if target vm got another name, you should provide it
Checks if resources hot add enabled
286 287 288 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 286 def get_vm_hotadd_conf(vmid, name = nil) onblock(:vm, vmid).hotAddEnabled? name end |
#get_vms_by_uid(uid) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns user vms by user id
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 43 def get_vms_by_uid(uid) vmp, vms =, [] vmp.info_all! vmp.each do | vm | vms << { :id =>, :name => } if vm.uid(false) == uid end vms end |
#GetAnsiblePlaybook(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns playbook from DB by id
102 103 104 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 102 def GetAnsiblePlaybook id id).to_hash end |
#GetAnsiblePlaybook_ControllerRunnable(id, vars = {}) ⇒ Hash
Returns playbook in AnsibleController acceptable form
140 141 142 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 140 def GetAnsiblePlaybook_ControllerRunnable id, vars = {} id).runnable vars end |
#GetAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns AnsblePlaybook run Process by id as Hash with humanreadable state
189 190 191 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 189 def GetAnsiblePlaybookProcess id id).human end |
#GetAnsiblePlaybookVariables(id) ⇒ Hash
Returns variables from playbook(from vars section in playbook body)
133 134 135 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 133 def GetAnsiblePlaybookVariables id id).vars end |
#GetIP(vm_ref, private_allowed = false) ⇒ String
Returns VM's IP by ID
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 12 def GetIP(vm_ref, private_allowed = false) vm = case vm_ref when OpenNebula::VirtualMachine vm_ref.to_hash when Integer, String onblock(:vm, vm_ref).to_hash! when Hash vm_ref end['VM'] begin # If VM was created using OpenNebula template nic = vm['TEMPLATE']['NIC'] if nic.class == Hash then nic = [nic] elsif nic.class != Array then raise end! { |el| el['IP'] } nic.delete_if { |el| !(el.ipv4? && (!el.local? || private_allowed)) }! { |el| el.to_s } return nic.size == 1 ? nic.last : nic rescue # If not, this action will raise HashRead exception nil end begin # Also IP can be stored at the another place in monitoring, but here all IP's are stored ips = vm['MONITORING']['GUEST_IP_ADDRESSES'].split(',').map! { |ip| ip } return ips.detect { |ip| ip.ipv4? && (!ip.local? || private_allowed) }.to_s rescue nil end begin # If VM was imported correctly, IP address will be readed by the monitoring system ip = vm['MONITORING']['GUEST_IP'] # Monitoring can read IPv6 address, so let us make the check return ip.to_s if ip.ipv4? && (!ip.local? || private_allowed) rescue nil end return "" end |
#GetSnapshotList(vmid) ⇒ Array<Hash> | Hash
Getting snapshot list for given VM
140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 140 def GetSnapshotList(vmid) onblock(:vm, vmid).list_snapshots end |
#GetUserInfo(userid) ⇒ String
Returns User template in XML
208 209 210 211 212 213 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 208 def GetUserInfo(userid) onblock(:u, userid) do |user|! user.to_xml end end |
#GetVMIDbyIP(ip) ⇒ Integer | nil
Getting VM ID by IP
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 60 def GetVMIDbyIP(ip) vm_pool = vm_pool.info_all! vm_pool.each do |vm| begin return if ip.chomp == GetIP( rescue nil end end nil end |
#HostsMonitoring ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns monitoring information about nodes
256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 256 def HostsMonitoring() # @!visibility private # Converts MB to GB size_convert = lambda do | mb | if mb.to_f / 1048576 > 768 then return "#{(mb.to_f / 1073741824.0).round(2)}TB" else return "#{(mb.to_f / 1048576.0).round(2)}GB" end end host_pool, mon =, []! host_pool.each do | host | host = host.to_hash['HOST'] mon << { :id => host['ID'].to_i, :name => host['NAME'], :full_size => size_convert[host.to_hash['HOST_SHARE']['TOTAL_MEM']], :reserved => size_convert[host.to_hash['HOST_SHARE']['MEM_USAGE']], :running_vms => host.to_hash['HOST_SHARE']['RUNNING_VMS'].to_i, :cpu => "#{(host.to_hash['HOST_SHARE']['USED_CPU'].to_f / host.to_hash['HOST_SHARE']['TOTAL_CPU'].to_f * 100).round(2)}%" } end mon end |
#IaaS_Gate(params) ⇒ Object
Does very complicated things, don't think about it)))))
79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 |
# File 'lib/accounting/main.rb', line 79 def IaaS_Gate params params['vms'] = params['vms'] || [] user = onblock :u, params['uid'], @client e =! return 401 unless e.nil? showback = calculate_showback(*params.get('uid', 'time')) user.balance = params['balance'] balance = user.balance alert, alert_at = user.alert return { 'showback' => showback, 'balance' => balance, 'alert' => alert, 'alert_at' => alert_at } rescue OpenNebula::VirtualMachine::ShowbackError => e return { 'error' => e., 'time' => e.params, 'type' => e.class } rescue OpenNebula::User::UserNotExistsError => e return { 'error' => e., 'uid' => params['uid'], 'type' => e.class } end |
#IaaS_Gate_new(params) ⇒ Object
Does more complicated things, don't think about it)))))
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 |
# File 'lib/accounting/main.rb', line 112 def IaaS_Gate_new params LOG_DEBUG params response = [] one_user = onblock :u, 0, @client e =! return 401 unless e.nil? params["users"].each do | u | u['vms'] = u['vms'] || [] showback = calculate_showback(u['uid'], u['time']) user = onblock :u, u['uid'] user.balance = u['balance'] balance = user.balance alert, alert_at = user.alert response << { 'showback' => showback, 'balance' => balance, 'alert' => alert, 'alert_at' => alert_at } end return response rescue OpenNebula::VirtualMachine::ShowbackError => e return { 'error' => e., 'time' => e.params, 'type' => e.class } rescue OpenNebula::User::UserNotExistsError => e return { 'error' => e., 'uid' => params['uid'], 'type' => e.class } end |
#LCM_STATE(vmid) ⇒ Integer
Getting VM LCM state number by ID
92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 92 def LCM_STATE(vmid) onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).lcm_state! end |
#LCM_STATE_STR(vmid) ⇒ String
Getting VM LCM state string by ID
99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 99 def LCM_STATE_STR(vmid) onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).lcm_state_str! end |
#ListAnsiblePlaybookProcesses(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns all AnsiblePlaybook Processes as Array of Hashes
225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 225 def ListAnsiblePlaybookProcesses chunks = nil, page = 0 pool = AnsiblePlaybookProcess.list pool.delete_if { |apc| !@client.user!.groups.include?(0) && apc['uid'] != @client.user_id } return pool if chunks.nil? pool.each_slice(chunks).to_a[page] end |
#ListAnsiblePlaybooks(chunks = nil, page = 0) ⇒ Array<Hash>
Returns Playbooks from DB
152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 152 def ListAnsiblePlaybooks chunks = nil, page = 0 pool = AnsiblePlaybook.list pool.delete_if { |pb| !(pb, @client.user, 0) } # Deletes playbooks, which aren't under user access return pool if chunks.nil? pool.each_slice(chunks).to_a[page] end |
#log(msg) ⇒ String
Logs given message to ione.log
129 130 131 132 |
# File 'service/log.rb', line 129 def log(msg) LOG(msg, "RemoteLOG") msg end |
#MKSnapshot(vmid, name, log = true) ⇒ Integer | OpenNebula::Error
Making new snapshot for given VM with given name
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 253 def MKSnapshot(vmid, name, log = true) LOG "Snapshot create-query accepted", 'SnapController' if log vm = onblock :vm, vmid r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r r = vm.snapshot_create(name) raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r r rescue => e return e. end |
#Reboot(vmid, hard = false) ⇒ Object
Reboots Virtual Machine
141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 141 def Reboot(vmid, hard = false) return "VMID cannot be nil!" if vmid.nil? LOG "Rebooting VM#{vmid}", "Reboot" LOG "Params: vmid = #{vmid}, hard = #{hard}", "DEBUG" # if DEBUG vm = onblock :vm, vmid r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vm.reboot(hard) # reboots 'hard' if true rescue => e return e. end |
#Recreate(params, trace = ["Recreate method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ TrueClass, Integer
Recreates VM - leaves same ID, same IP addresses, amount of resources, etc, but recreates on host
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/creative_funcs/main.rb', line 226 def Recreate(params, trace = ["Recreate method called:#{__LINE__}"]) params.to_sym! LOG "Recreating VM#{params[:vm]}", 'Recreate' trace << "Getting VM:#{__LINE__}" vm = onblock(:vm, params[:vm])! trace << "Checking access rights:#{__LINE__}" onblock(:u, -1, @client) do | u |! if != vm.uid && !u.groups.include?(0) then raise"Not enough access to perform Recreate") end end trace << "Getting VM host:#{__LINE__}" host, _ = trace << "Recovering VM:#{__LINE__}" vm.recover(4) if params[:passwd] then trace << "Changing VM password#{__LINE__}" vm.passwd params[:passwd] end if params[:deploy] then trace << "Waiting for state PENDING to deploy VM:#{__LINE__}" vm.wait_state("PENDING", 120) trace << "Deploying VM:#{__LINE__}" vm.deploy(host.to_i) end return true, host.to_i rescue => e LOG_ERROR "Error ocurred while Reinstall: #{e.}" raise e end |
#Reinstall(params, trace = ["Reinstall method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ Hash, ...
Recreates VM with same NICs for same user
66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 |
# File 'lib/creative_funcs/main.rb', line 66 def Reinstall(params, trace = ["Reinstall method called:#{__LINE__}"]) params.to_s! LOG_DEBUG params.merge!({ :method => 'Reinstall' }).debug_out return nil if params['debug'] == 'turn_method_off' LOG "Reinstalling VM#{params['vmid']}", 'Reinstall' trace << "Checking params:#{__LINE__ + 1}" if params.get('vmid', 'groupid', 'userid', 'templateid').include?(nil) then LOG "ReinstallError - some params are nil", 'Reinstall' LOG_DEBUG params.get('vmid', 'groupid', 'userid', 'templateid') return "ReinstallError - some params are nil", params end params['vmid'], params['groupid'], params['userid'], params['templateid'] = params.get('vmid', 'groupid', 'userid', 'templateid').map { |el| el.to_i } params['cpu'], params['ram'], params['drive'], params['iops'] = params.get('cpu', 'ram', 'drive', 'iops').map { |el| el.to_i } begin params['iops'] = IONe::Settings['VCENTER_DRIVES_IOPS'][params['ds_type']] LOG_DEBUG "IOps: #{params['iops'].class}(#{params['iops']})" rescue LOG_DEBUG "No vCenter configuration found" end trace << "Checking template:#{__LINE__ + 1}" template = onblock(:t, params['templateid']) do | t | result =! if result != nil then LOG_ERROR "Error: TemplateLoadError" return { 'error' => "TemplateLoadError", 'trace' => (trace << "TemplateLoadError:#{__LINE__ - 3}") } end params['extra'] = params['extra'] || { 'type' => t['/VMTEMPLATE/TEMPLATE/HYPERVISOR'] } t end LOG_DEBUG 'Initializing vm object' trace << "Initializing old VM object:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm = onblock(:vm, params['vmid']) LOG_DEBUG 'Collecting data from old template' trace << "Collecting data from old template:#{__LINE__ + 1}" context = vm.to_hash!['VM']['TEMPLATE'] params['username'] = params['username'] || vm['//CONTEXT/USERNAME'] params['vm_name'] = params['vm_name'] || LOG_DEBUG 'Generating new template' trace << "Generating credentials and network context:#{__LINE__ + 1}" context['CONTEXT'] = { 'USERNAME' => params['username'], 'PASSWORD' => params['passwd'] || vm['//CONTEXT/PASSWORD'], 'NETWORK' => context['CONTEXT']['NETWORK'], 'SSH_PUBLIC_KEY' => context['CONTEXT']['SSH_PUBLIC_KEY'] } context['NIC'] = [context['NIC']] if context['NIC'].class == Hash context['NIC'].map! do |nic| nic.without( 'TARGET', 'MAC', 'NAME', 'SECURITY_GROUPS', 'BRIDGE', 'BRIDGE_TYPE', 'NIC_ID', 'VN_MAD', 'CLUSTER_ID', 'AR_ID', 'NETWORK', 'NETWORK_UNAME' ) end context['NIC'] = context['NIC'].last if context['NIC'].size == 1 trace << "Generating specs configuration:#{__LINE__ + 1}" context.merge!({ "VCPU" => params['cpu'], "MEMORY" => params['ram'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "DRIVE" => params['ds_type'], "DISK" => { "IMAGE_ID" => template.to_hash['VMTEMPLATE']['TEMPLATE']['DISK']['IMAGE_ID'], "SIZE" => params['drive'] * (params['units'] == 'GB' ? 1024 : 1), "OPENNEBULA_MANAGED" => "NO" } }) context['TEMPLATE_ID'] = params['templateid'] host = params['host'] if host.nil? then host = IONe::Settings['NODES_DEFAULT'][params['extra']['type'].upcase] end if host.class == Array then host = { | h | "ID=\"#{h}\"" }.join(" | ") else host = "ID=\"#{host}\"" end context['SCHED_REQUIREMENTS'] = host ds = ChooseDS(params['ds_type'], params['extra']['type']) context['SCHED_DS_REQUIREMENTS'] = "ID=\"#{ds}\"" context = context.without('GRAPHICS').to_one_template LOG_DEBUG "Resulting capacity template:\n#{context}" trace << "Terminating VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm.terminate(true) LOG_COLOR 'Waiting until terminate process will over', 'Reinstall', 'light_yellow' trace << ":#{__LINE__ + 1}" until STATE_STR(params['vmid']) == 'DONE' do sleep(0.2) end LOG_COLOR "Terminate process is over, new VM is deploying now", 'Reinstall', 'green' LOG_DEBUG 'Creating new VM' trace << "Instantiating template:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vmid = template.instantiate(params['vm_name'], !params['release'], context) LOG_DEBUG "New VM ID or an OpenNebula::Error: #{begin vmid.to_str rescue vmid.to_s end}" begin if vmid.class != Integer && vmid.include?('IP/MAC') then trace << "Retrying template instantiation:#{__LINE__ + 1}" sleep(3) vmid = template.instantiate(params['login'] + '_vm', !params['release'], context) end rescue return vmid.class, vmid. if vmid.class != Integer return vmid.class end return vmid. if vmid.class != Integer trace << "Changing VM owner:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:vm, vmid).chown(params['userid'], params['groupid'] || IONe::Settings['USERS_GROUP']) ##### PostDeploy Activity define ##### do vm = onblock(:vm, vmid) LOG_DEBUG 'Waiting until VM will be deployed' vm.wait_for_state post_deploy = @client # TrialController if params['trial'] then trace << "Creating trial counter thread:#{__LINE__ + 1}" post_deploy.TrialController(params, vmid, host) end # endTrialController # AnsibleController if params['ansible'] && params['release'] then trace << "Creating Ansible Installer thread:#{__LINE__ + 1}" post_deploy.AnsibleController(params, vmid, host) end # endAnsibleController end if params['release'] ##### PostDeploy Activity define END ##### return { 'vmid' => vmid, 'vmid_old' => params['vmid'], 'ip' => GetIP(vmid, true), 'ip_old' => GetIP(vm) } rescue => e LOG_ERROR "Error ocurred while Reinstall: #{e.}" return e., trace end |
#release_public_ip(params) ⇒ TrueClass
Releases Public IP back to supernet-pool. Repeats OpenNebula::VirtualNetwork#rm_ar method, but with creating Record in :records storage
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/vntools/main.rb', line 68 def release_public_ip params params.to_sym! vn = onblock(:vn, params[:vn], @client)! if vn.rm_ar(params[:ar]).nil? then AR.where(vnid: params[:vn], arid: params[:ar], owner: vn['//UID']).update(etime: true else false end end |
#reserve_public_ip(params) ⇒ Integer
Reserves Public IP or IPs to user private netpool
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 |
# File 'lib/vntools/main.rb', line 11 def reserve_public_ip params params.to_sym! vnet = onblock(:vn, IONe::Settings['PUBLIC_NETWORK_DEFAULTS']['IAAS'], @client)! u = onblock(:u, params[:u], @client)! if (uvnet = u.vns(@db).select { |v| v.type == 'PUBLIC' }.first) then uvnet = end params[:n].times do if uvnet then uvnet = vnet.reserve(nil, 1, nil, nil, uvnet) else uvnet = vnet.reserve("user-#{params[:u]}-pub-vnet", 1, nil, nil, uvnet) onblock(:vn, uvnet, @client) do | vn | vn.update('TYPE="PUBLIC"', true) end clusters = vnet.to_hash['VNET']['CLUSTERS']['ID'] clusters = [clusters] if clusters.class != Array for c in clusters do onblock(:c, c).addvnet(uvnet) end end if OpenNebula.is_error?(uvnet) && uvnet.errno == 2048 then return { error: "No free addresses left" } end ar = onblock(:vn, uvnet, @client).ar_pool.last AR.create do | r | r.vnid = uvnet r.arid = ar['AR_ID'] r.stime = r.owner = params[:u] end end vn = onblock(:vn, uvnet, $client) vn.chown(, u.groups.first) vn.chmod(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) return end |
#Resume(vmid, trial = false) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Powers On given VM if powered off, or unsuspends if suspended by ID
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 226 def Resume(vmid, trial = false) onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i) do | vm | r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vm.unschedule(0) if trial vm.resume end rescue => e return e. end |
#RevSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Reverts choosen snapshot for given VM
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 272 def RevSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) LOG "Snapshot revert-query accepted", 'SnapController' if log vm = onblock :vm, vmid r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vm.snapshot_revert(snapid.to_i) rescue => e return e. end |
#RMSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Removes choosen snapshot for given VM
243 244 245 246 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 243 def RMSnapshot(vmid, snapid, log = true) LOG "Deleting snapshot(ID: #{snapid}) for VM#{vmid}", "SnapController" if log onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).snapshot_delete(snapid.to_i) end |
#RunAnsiblePlaybookProcess(id) ⇒ NilClass | Thread
Runs given AnsiblePlaybookProcess in PENDING state
203 204 205 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 203 def RunAnsiblePlaybookProcess id id).run end |
#set_vm_hotadd_conf(params) ⇒ true | String
Sets resources hot add settings
297 298 299 300 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 297 def set_vm_hotadd_conf(params) params.to_sym! onblock(:vm, params[:vmid]).hotResourcesControlConf(params) end |
#SetVMResourcesLimits(vmid, host, params) ⇒ Object
temp UPD: not really :)
285 286 287 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 285 def SetVMResourcesLimits vmid, host, params, vmid, onblock(:h, host)) end |
#Shutdown(vmid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Don't use OpenNebula::VirtualMachine#shutdown - thoose method deletes VM's
Powering off VM
187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 187 def Shutdown(vmid) LOG "Shutting down VM#{vmid}", "Shutdown" vm = onblock :vm, vmid r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vm.poweroff rescue => e return e. end |
#StartVMRC(vmid) ⇒ Object
Generates VMRC ticket for given VM
290 291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 290 def StartVMRC vmid r = onblock(:vm, vmid, @client).info! raise "" if OpenNebula.is_error? r onblock(:vm, vmid).start_vmrc end |
#STATE(vmid) ⇒ Integer
Getting VM state number by ID
78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 78 def STATE(vmid) onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).state! end |
#STATE_STR(vmid) ⇒ String
Getting VM state string by ID
85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/vminfo/main.rb', line 85 def STATE_STR(vmid) onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).state_str! end |
#Suspend(params, log = true, trace = ["Suspend method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ NilClass | Array
Suspends VirtualMachine and makes it uncontrollable for Owner(except Admins)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 13 def Suspend params, log = true, trace = ["Suspend method called:#{__LINE__}"] trace << "Generating sys objects:#{__LINE__ + 1}" begin trace << "Printing debug info:#{__LINE__ + 1}" LOG "Suspending VM#{params['vmid']}", "Suspend" if log LOG "Params: #{params.inspect} | log = #{log}", "Suspend" if log trace << "Creating VM object:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:vm, params['vmid'].to_i) do | vm | r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r begin trace << "Suspending VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm.suspend trace << "Locking VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm.lock 2 rescue trace << "Some exception raised while suspending VM:#{__LINE__ - 2}" LOG_AUTO "VM wasn't suspended, but rights will be changed" if log end end trace << "Killing proccess:#{__LINE__ + 1}" 0 rescue => e return e., trace end end |
#SuspendUser(uid, vms = []) ⇒ NilClass
Suspends all given users VMs
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 57 def SuspendUser uid, vms = [] LOG "Suspend Query for User##{uid} received", "Suspend" user = onblock :u, uid user.vms(@db).each do | vm | next if vms.include? begin LOG "Suspending VM##{}", "Suspend" vm.suspend LOG "Locking VM##{}", "Suspend" vm.lock 2 rescue => e LOG "Error occured while suspending VM##{}\nCheck Debug log for error-codes and backtrace", "Suspend" LOG_DEBUG e. LOG_DEBUG e.backtrace end end nil rescue => e return e. end |
#SuspendVM(vmid) ⇒ NilClass
Suspends VirtualMachine only
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 44 def SuspendVM(vmid) r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r onblock(:vm, vmid.to_i).suspend rescue => e return e. end |
#Terminate(userid, vmid) ⇒ nil | OpenNebula::Error
Terminates(deletes) user account and VM
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 159 def Terminate(userid, vmid) LOG "Terminate query call params: {\"userid\" => #{userid}, \"vmid\" => #{vmid}}", "Terminate" # If userid will be nil oneadmin account can be broken if userid == nil || vmid == nil then LOG "Terminate query rejected! 1 of 2 params is nilClass!", "Terminate" return 1 elsif userid == 0 then LOG "Terminate query rejected! Tryed to delete root-user(oneadmin)", "Terminate" return 1 end Delete(userid) LOG "Terminating VM#{vmid}", "Terminate" vm = onblock(:vm, vmid) r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r vm.unlock # Ensure VM is unlocked vm.terminate true true rescue => e return e. end |
#Test(msg, log = "Test") ⇒ String('DONE') | String('PONG')
Logs sent message into ione.log and gives data about availability
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 12 def Test(msg, log = "Test") LOG "Test message received, text: #{msg}", log if msg != 'PING' if msg == "PING" then return "PONG" end "DONE" end |
#Unsuspend(params, trace = ["Resume method called:#{__LINE__}"]) ⇒ nil | Array
May be used as PowerON method like #Resume
Unsuspends VirtualMachine and makes it uncontrollable for Owner(except Admins)
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 87 def Unsuspend(params, trace = ["Resume method called:#{__LINE__}"]) result = begin LOG "Resuming VM ##{params['vmid']}", "Resume" trace << "Creating VM object:#{__LINE__ + 1}" onblock(:vm, params['vmid'].to_i) do | vm | r =! raise r if OpenNebula.is_error? r trace << "Unlocking VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm.unlock trace << "Resuming VM:#{__LINE__ + 1}" vm.resume end trace << "Killing proccess:#{__LINE__ + 1}" 0 rescue => e [e., trace] end result end |
#UnsuspendUser(uid, vms = []) ⇒ NilClass
Unsuspends all users VMs
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/vmcontrol/main.rb', line 113 def UnsuspendUser uid, vms = [] LOG "Unsuspend Query for User##{uid} received", "Unsuspend" user = onblock :u, uid user.vms(@db).each do | vm | next if vms.include? begin LOG "Unlocking VM##{}", "Unsuspend" vm.unlock LOG "Resuming VM##{}", "Unsuspend" vm.resume rescue => e LOG "Error occured while unsuspending VM##{}\nCheck Debug log for error-codes and backtrace", "Unsuspend" LOG_DEBUG e. LOG_DEBUG e.backtrace end end nil rescue => e return e. end |
#UpdateAnsiblePlaybook(args = {}) ⇒ Object
Updates playbook using given data by id
115 116 117 118 119 120 121 |
# File 'modules/ansible/main.rb', line 115 def UpdateAnsiblePlaybook args = {} ap = id: args.delete('id') args.each do | key, value | ap.send(key + '=', value) end ap.update end |
#uptime ⇒ String
Returns IONe Cloud Server uptime(formated)
15 16 17 |
# File 'lib/server/main.rb', line 15 def uptime fmt_time( - STARTUP_TIME) end |
#user_exists(uid) ⇒ Object
Checks if User exists
318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 318 def user_exists uid onblock(:u, uid).exists? end |
#UserCreate(login, pass, groupid = nil, locale = nil, balace = 0, client: @client, object: false, type: 'vcenter') ⇒ Integer | Integer, OpenNebula::User
Creates new user account
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 |
# File 'lib/creative_funcs/main.rb', line 16 def UserCreate(login, pass, groupid = nil, locale = nil, balace = 0, client: @client, object: false, type: 'vcenter') user =, client) # Generates user template using oneadmin user object allocation_result = begin user.allocate(login, pass, "core", groupid.nil? ? [IONe::Settings['USERS_GROUP']] : [groupid]) # Allocating new user with login:pass rescue => e e. end if !allocation_result.nil? then LOG_DEBUG allocation_result. # If allocation was successful, allocate method returned nil return 0 end attrs = { SUNSTONE: { LANG: locale || IONe::Settings['USERS_DEFAULT_LANG'] || 'en_US' } } attrs['AZURE_TOKEN'] = login if type == 'azure' attrs.merge! BALANCE: balace, LABELS: "IaaS" if groupid.to_i == IONe::Settings['IAAS_GROUP_ID'] user.update(attrs.to_one_template, true) return, user if object end |
#UserDelete(uid) ⇒ Object
Deletes user and all his VMs
327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 327 def UserDelete uid u = onblock(:u, uid) u.vms(@db).each do | vm | vm.terminate true end u.delete true rescue => e LOG_DEBUG e. end |
#version ⇒ String
Returns current running IONe Cloud Server version
9 10 11 |
# File 'lib/server/main.rb', line 9 def version VERSION end |
#vm_hotadd(params) ⇒ Boolean | String
Method returns true if resize action ended correct, false if VM not support hot reconfiguring
Resize VM without powering off the VM
310 311 312 313 |
# File 'lib/useful_things/main.rb', line 310 def vm_hotadd(params) params.to_sym! onblock(:vm, params[:vmid]).hot_resize(params) end |