VLAN IDs Manager
IONe brings VLAN IDs Manager sub-system. By default, OpenNebula automatic VLAN lease system is just assigning new network ID as a VLAN_ID. Sometimes(quite as often), actual VLAN IDs pool can begin from different ID(not 0, but e.g. 2000), have reserved VLANs etc.
IONe tries to solve this problem.
IONe brings two Models(and, respectively, classes).
Table of VLAN IDs ranges. Structure:
| Field | Type | Null | Description |
| id | int | NO | Key |
| start | int | NO | Start of range, e.g. 0 |
| size | int | NO | Amount of VLANs, e.g. 4096 |
| type | varchar(255) | NO | vcenter, 802.1Q or other possible VN_MAD using VLANs |
See VLAN class for available methods.
Table of VLAN IDs leases. All of the used VLAN IDs are supposed to be in this table. Structure:
| Field | Type | Null | Description |
| key | int | NO | Key |
| vn | int | YES | OpenNebula VirtualNetwork |
| id | int | NO | VLAN ID |
| pool_id | int | NO | VLAN IDs Pool |
This table has validator: all three fields together gotta be unique.
Note: You don't need to access DB directly. Only IONe Admin UI and Sunstone should be used.
VN Templates
You would need the VN Template(s) to let VLAN#lease lease VLANs.
BRIDGE = "some_bridge"
PHYDEV = "br0"
VN_MAD = "802.1Q"
Let's say we saved it, so we have VNTemplate with ID 10
IONe Settings
You would need to fill only one IONe::Settings field -
"802.1Q": 10
How do you manage records VLANLeases
VLAN class
Best approach is to use this class to manage VLANs. So if you create VNs and reserve VLANs with VLAN#lease and VLAN#reserve respectively, these methods will handle or recording operations.
VLANLease class
Just delete lease record with VLANLease#release method.(It is basically just an alias)
DB Hooks(cascade)
In order to delete lease record, you should just delete VNet.
IONe brings two hooks affecting this section.
Leases VLAN to VDC user on allocation(creates a VNet)
Cleans up VDC User resources on delete. VNets are part of it, so VLAN lease is going to be released as VNet created by first hook will be deleted.