Installation and configuration of Open Nebula Connect for WHMCS

Installation and configuration of the module in WHMCS (Open Nebula Control)

  1. Place the module in these directories on the server:

  2. At Setup - Addon Modules tab activate this module (Open Nebula Control)

  3. You can add user immunity from blocking (if necessary). Go to Setup - Custom client fields, add a field with type Drop down with options (Not installed, Yes, No)

    Note for WHMCS 8+: wrench icon in the footer – System Setting – Custom Fields)

  4. Add the server to Setup - Products / services - Servers - Add a new server, write down Name and IP address)

  5. Open the module (Addons - Open Nebula Control) and fill in the data at tab Configuration - Configure module:

    • WHMCS admin username - administrator login, on behalf of which some functions of the module will work

    • IONe host address - url address of OpenNebula like

    • ON Login – administrator login for OpenNebula (for example oneadmin or CloudAdmin)

    • ON Password – administrator password for OpenNebula

    • Immunity - the name of the custom field for determining the immunity of the user

Preconfiguration of WHMCS for the further IONE module integration

  1. Add the list of IPs from which you can connect to the WHMCS API (address of server with IONe) at Setup - General Settings - Security - API IP Access Restriction

    Note for WHMCS 8+: wrench icon in the footer – System Setting – GeneralSettings – Security - API IP Access Restriction

  2. Add a product group, for example, VDS at Setup - Products / Services - Create a new group and add the product to this group.

    Note for WHMCS 8+: wrench icon in the footer – System Setting – Products/ Services - Create a new group

  3. Create a new product, e.g. VDS

    • Then, open the Module Settings tab

    • In the field Module Name choose IONe

    • Next, you need to fill in the configuration fields of the virtual machine:

      • vCPU – quantity of cores (number)

      • RAM – amount of RAM (number)

      • DISK – disk type (datastore on which virtual machine will bedeployed - e.g. SSD, HDD, etc.)

      • DISK VALUE – amount of disk memory (GB)

      • NODE TYPE – node on which virtual machine will be deployed

      • SNAPSHOT – will snapshots be available on the machine

    • Next, select the option in which case the machine will be automatically installed.

  4. Create an addon to the product:

    • Setup - Products and services - Products Addons - Add new addon

      Note for WHMCS 8+: wrench icon in the footer – System Setting – ProductsAddons - Add New Addon

    • In order for the addon to be displayed when ordering, you must check the Show on Order checkbox.

    • Then, open the Module Settings tab, in the field Module Name choose IONE.

    • Next, you need to fill in the configuration fields of the virtual machine.

      These settings are summed up with the settings from the product (previousitem), i.e. if the product had vCPU = 2, and in the addon that was added to the product vCPU = 1, then as a result the virtual machine will get vCPU = 3.

      • vCPU - the quantity of cores (number) that will be added to the parameters from the product (can be left blank)

      • RAM - the amount of RAM that will be added to the parameters from theproduct (you can leave it empty)

      • DISK - the type of disk from the add-on is not considered when creatingthe machine

        i.e. if the product had DISK = SSD, DISK VALUE = 20, and in the add-on DISK = HDD, DISK VALUE = 30 - the virtual machine will get 50 GB of SSD disk.

      • DISK VALUE - The amount of disk space (GB) to be added to theparameters from the product.

      • NODE TYPE - the field from the add-on is not considered (i.e. when installing the machine, the parameter from the product will be used)

      • SNAPSHOT - whether snapshots will be available on the machine

        if either in the product or in the add-on this option is enabled, the snapshots will be available on the machine

      • OS - is the add-on an operating system

        necessary in order to configure operating system templates

    • After configuring all addons, you need to return to the OpenNebula Control module, to the Configuration tab - Configure Templates and add operating system templates

      1 addon corresponds to one template, the Template ID field is the template id in OpenNebula.

Test Order

  1. Add a new order.

  2. Product/Service = VDS(if you named it VDS on previous step)

  3. Addons to install a virtual machine, one add-on must be selected, configured as OS (previous section: configuration settings of operating systems).

    If several add-ons of the operating network are selected, the first created one will be selected)

  4. Create order → Accept order.

  5. In case of an error, it can be debugged in the menu: Utilities → Logs → Module Log.